Thank You! Thank You!

A special thank you to my loyal and faithful customers who turned out today for the Connections Christian Christian Church on 1332 Feise Road in O’Fallon, Missouri. It was such a joy seeing you all again and catching up. A special thank you to my new customers who stopped by and chatting. It was great meeting you. I hope your purchases bring happiness to all. Until we see each other again, be safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Circus Fever!

Frontal View

Frontal View

Looking through my fabric stash, I found a pre-printed fabric panel (top layer) depicting a circus theme. What a perfect piece to turn into a toddler’s quilt.

With so much color on the top layer, I wanted to have the bottom layer a bit more subtle. So, I selected an animal design with a pastel blue background. Didn’t have quite enough to use as a single piece so I thought of using the pastel blue gray and alternate the two, thereby, making stripes.

Reverse Side

Reverse Side

I think it turned out okay.

A medium weight batting was used. I hand basted all three layers so I could add simple straight stitching lines as part of the quilting process.

Both Sides

Both Sides

Here you can see both layers.

To finish it off I added a bright yellow bias trim. All basting stitches were removed, the finished quilt ironed, folded up and now stored. This one will be a donated item. Not sure if it is headed for Project Linus or to a school fundraising bazaar.

Happy New Year–Welcoming in 2013

2013 b

As I sit here in Hilo, Hawaii and enjoy the HGTV’s Rose Bowl Parade, it seemed appropriate to wish all of you a Happy New Year. 2012 was a very productive and rewarding year. Many craft items were happily completed. Some of these ended up as presents to loved ones. I’ve included some in my blog, in my ravelry account and more in craftsy account.

So, what lies ahead in 2013. Wellllll, most definitely there will be sewing projects. I’d like to go back to making some blankets for our local Project Linus group. Additionally, there are other sewing craft projects I’d like to start. For instance, I’d like to whip up a bunch of tote or shopping bags, I also want to make a few health-style items like heating pads. In going through my fabric staff, I found cotton knits; hence, I’d like to stitch up a couple of nighties.

I am going to continue with my embroidery projects—silk ribbon embroidery clothing items. I have a crewel embroidery pillow cover to finish.

Knitting projects are on the list as well. I am currently working on a lap afghan so I definitely need to finish this one. It may end up as a Project Linus gift.

Unfinsihed projects–there is one that still sits in the corner and occasionally calls to me it. It is a green and yellow crochet shell pattern afghan. This one to will probably go to Project Linus or perhaps the local Catholic School Craft Fair.

Since, I don’t want to get too carried away and then exhaust myself int the process I think I will close for now. Take care of yourselves in 2013. Happy stitching! May God bless each and every one of you. Happy New Year!

Santa’s Elf and Holiday Prepping!

Santa's Elf

Spent another weekend checking out the holiday craft fairs.  Picked up a few more treasures as holiday gifts for dear friends and loved ones.  Its a double bonus as with one purchase I’ve helped a small business owner and got a present for a dear one at the same time.  What a great way to get ready for the holidays!


These are just a few of the treasures I discovered.  Also picked up “angel” ornaments for this year’s tree.