Gearing Up for Easter

With St. Patrick’s Day so near it is time to get started thinking about Easter. So, I’ve looked into my crafting stash and scanned my favorite crafting blog, Olivia’s Romantic Home, for ideas. So, far I’ve come up with these ideas.

Here is my version of an Easter Egg tree. I used a large green Styrofoam cone as the based. I used several packages of medium size plastic eggs, small foam eggs, foam beads, and Spanish moss.

Easter Egg Tree

This was a fun project to create.

I wanted to see if I could sketch out a couple of large bunnies. Using poster board for my medium, I sketched out the bunnies to the desired size. Painted them with acrylic paint and embellished them.

Mr. and Mrs. Floppy-Ear Bunnies

I gave Mr. Bunny a green gingham tuxedo bow. Mrs. Bunny dons a hair ribbon and pearl necklace. They are ready to hippity-hop out to the garden.

I found several Easter themed wooden cutouts and here is what I came up with.

I am fascinated with the Mackenzie-Child style so that is the style I used in this wooden bunny. Instead of the traditional black and white checks used, I opted for lilac and yellow.

All of these were fun DIY that will work amazingly with my home decor and are quite budget friendly. They are a win-win option. I get new and personalized home decor and I am not breaking the bank.

Happy Crafting.

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